Answaar Islamic Primary School is a Muslim funded Institution established by Jamaat Answaar Sunnah Tanzania (NGO).The School was established in 1997 and got its first registration number in the year 2000 which was DS.02/07/019 and currently has been given EM.10734 by the Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.Since 2000, Answaar Primary School have been gradually expanding its academic performance by providing quality education under the revised competence based National curriculum . ​
-To Provide a conducive learning environment for the learners,Staff and the Community at large.
-To become a model Islamic Primary School providing quality education.
●School Motto
-Able Independent Moral Student.


Answaar has dedicated to achieve the followiing Aims and Objectives:
  • ●To develop Islamic culture among its Learners,Staff and the Community.
  • ●To develop a conducive environment for the learners tp master the communication skills in English,Arabic and Kiswahili language
  • ●To develop a deep understanding of Mathematics and Science discipline among learners.
  • ●To develop 21st century skills among learners,staff and the community by fostering critical thinking, problem solving and collaboration through facilitating child centered learners approaches.
  • ●Answaar Primary School has dedicated to become a center of academic excellence by providing quality and competence based education